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Emma takes on Wall Street!

Emma is a rising junior studying Finance, MIS, and International Business from Brentwood, TN!

This summer, Emma has been working for CITI in New York City as an Investment Banking Summer Analyst! Emma says, "I’m in the Industrials coverage group, which means I’m working with companies in this sector that are going public on the stock market or merging with another company. The investment bank’s role is to advise the company throughout these complex transactions and build financial models to determine that company’s value".

Emma is so thankful for the opportunity to work in such an incredible environment and is looking forward to applying what she has learned to help other UGA students interested in investment banking and contribute more to the organizations she has leadership positions in!

"I only knew to pursue this opportunity at Citi and get more involved in Terry because of the mentorship of others, and I want all underclassmen to be encouraged the same way I was".

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